澳门威尼斯人娱乐场已经命名 托德年代. 帕尔默 和 马łgorzata Peszyń平方公里列阵 作为它的 2024年杰出教授, the highest academic honor the university can bestow on a faculty member.
帕尔默 和 Peszyńska have both been internationally recognized for their research. 帕尔默 is an expert in the physics of nuclear reactors 和 computational methods for radiation transport 和 diffusion. And Peszyńska is a leader in mathematical 和 computational modeling of complex processes.
自1988年以来, 俄勒冈州 State has awarded the title of University Distinguished Professor to faculty who have achieved national 和 international distinction for their contributions to scholarship, 研究及创意工作, 教学与辅导, 公众参与及服务.
托德年代. 帕尔默
在小学, 初中和高中时,我总是被数学所吸引, 计算机程序设计与科学, 但我也对文学和音乐感兴趣. 我高三的时候有个很棒的物理老师, 和 he got to the back of the textbook where nuclear reactions 和 nuclear power were introduced. I remember thinking “Ooh, that’s cool, 和 I might be able to make a living at this!“剩下的就是历史了.
My motivation stems from a combination of a continued steady stream of interesting technical problems to work on, a feeling of personal responsibility to help society address challenges in national 和 energy security, 还有回馈子孙后代的愿望. 在我的生活中,我很幸运,我想把它传递出去.
What’s the one big takeaway you’d want someone to know about your field of study?
我的学位是核工程师, but I think of myself as a computational physicist working in nuclear energy, national security 和 other industrial uses of radiation-related technology. 这似乎是一个非常狭窄或利基的领域, but nuclear engineers are highly interdisciplinary with skills 和 knowledge that allow us to nimbly address a wide variety of technical 和 social problems.
在教学, I’ve been surprised to learn just how important it is to present technical subjects from a variety of different perspectives. 在研究, 难度:涉及的困难程度, 和满足感可以从, a successful interdisciplinary collaborative project is something that I didn’t expect. 我发现我喜欢系统的工作, university-wide challenges to try to make things better for future 学生, 教职员工.
When I learned that I would be receiving this title I was quite shocked. My academic home here at OSU is small, 和 I thought that I was fairly invisible. This acknowledgement — 和 being truly seen by OSU colleagues 和 administration — is very special to me. 虽然它以个人识别的形式出现, it is received as the product of the hard work 和 dedication of a great many people — family, 学生, 导师和同事.
你什么时候到澳门威尼斯人娱乐场的? 从哪里?
I first arrived in 1983 as a bright-eyed high school graduate 读y to study engineering, 在内布拉斯加州完成学业后. 在我大三的时候,我们全家从希尔斯伯勒搬到了奥马哈, 俄勒冈州, 我真的很想回到俄勒冈州的家. 后来,在读完博士学位后.D. at the University of Michigan in 1993 和 working at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California for a few years, 我于1995年1月入职.
咖啡是现成的Interzone. 再配上一块自制的松饼,简直就是天堂. I’m a big fan of Squirrels for lunch: burger or Chicken Little with fries or a salad is my fave. I also have a soft spot for Bombs Away Cafe, but that’s a story for another time…
我是一个吉他手, 也是前卫摇滚的爱好者, 爵士乐融合, 经典摇滚和老派金属. 我一周打几次. I enjoy sports — playing them 和 following college (Beavs 和 Wolverines) 和 some pro teams. 我的德州游骑兵队去年赢得了世界大赛! 我们家度假时经常旅行, 还有一个10岁和12岁的孩子, 孩子们有许多课外活动.
虽然我去过几个不同的欧洲国家, 爱尔兰是我遗愿清单上最重要的地方. 你可以从一个酒吧走到另一个酒吧, 享受乡村, 与人见面,沉浸在音乐中听起来很棒. I’ve also not been to Sc和inavia 和 I have a feeling I would really enjoy it there, too.
If you hadn’t gone into academia, what do you think you would have done instead?
我的职业生涯是从一家美国公司开始的.S. 国家实验室,我真的很喜欢. 国家安全问题在技术上非常具有挑战性, 而且这份工作非常有回报. 离开LLNL是一个艰难的决定, mostly because I didn’t feel that I was “fully developed” 和 读y to run my own research group. 现在不后悔了,但是刚开始的时候压力很大.
马łgorzata Peszyń平方公里列阵
My field can be defined as computational mathematics with interdisciplinary applications. In my elementary school years, I cannot remember if mathematics found me first or if I found it. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城计算,我从高中开始写代码. 那时候,这还不是常态, but I immediately loved the structure 和 the endless possibilities that came with it. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城应用程序,我在读博士期间就沉浸在其中.D. 年复一年,永不放手.
当然是学生,一次一个. 同样, having an opportunity to make a difference by creating mathematical 和 computational tools that explain the world. 更平等的是,还有许多合作者和同事.
What’s the one big takeaway you’d want someone to know about your field of study?
计算数学比电子游戏好, 因为你可以创造更刺激的模拟! You can also learn 和 create theories to explain how to make it happen, 睡觉和醒来的时候都被这些困扰着.
That every theory — no matter how profound 和 broad — is based on some calculation or vision. 你可以带领任何人找到那个发现. +, a movie made from real world simulations with computational mathematics tools is better than a thous和 words.
It is an honor 和 a sense of closure, 和 the title gives me reasons to feel pride 和 gratitude. 我真的很幸运,我一定做了足够多的事情才受到如此的赞赏. I also feel a sense of responsibility to look farther 和 farther ahead from this position on the shoulders of the giants so I can continue to pay it forward as effectively as I can.
你什么时候到澳门威尼斯人娱乐场的? 从哪里?
I came to OSU in 2003 from The University of Texas at Austin after a tortuous journey through Purdue University, 奥格斯堡大学(德国), 波兰科学院, 和 Warsaw University of Technology all the way from a math high school now named after Stanislaw Staszic — an 18th century scientist in Warsaw, 波兰.
Definitely Valley Library coffee shop: so many conversations, so many cups of coffee. And Tarntip Thai st和s in competition with Bombs Away Cafe for great food, 以及对伟人的回忆.
与家人和朋友一起享受户外活动:航海, 滑雪, 攀岩, 登山和骑自行车, 在俄勒冈州露营和种菜, 弹吉他,唱民谣, 和猫咪一起蜷在一起看电影, 或阅读, 读, 阅读(包括猫).
Permafrost regions in the Arctic or methane observatories in Svalbard are my dream, 但我担心碳足迹.
If you hadn’t gone into academia, what do you think you would have done instead?
我可能会继续做一名帆船运动员, 滑雪和游泳教练, 一边写代码来维持我的生活方式. 反之亦然.